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Graduates and Professionals

As a graduate, there is no thrill greater than finally holding your diploma in your hands. In a crowded job market, now is the time to stand out and gain an edge over your competition.

A CeDiploma or CeCertificate is the only secure, digital credential that can be quickly shared to provide absolute proof of your education in seconds. It has the transactional value of a transcript, enabling you to take your diploma or certificate farther than a paper document can. Attach it to your digital resume, post it on LinkedIn, or simply share the unique code associated with your CeCredential with anyone.

Provide confidence

  • Allow employers to validate your qualification in real-time through the most trusted organization possible—your institution.

Unlimited use

  • Download ONCE, upload to all of your devices, send as often as you like.

Accepted worldwide

Ask your college, institution or organization to call 1-800-373-6876 to find out about implementing the CeCredential program.